Neways Dental Care Products

In his book The Natural Dentist, Brian Halvorsen draws many lessons from the work of American dentist Dr Weston-Price.  Weston-Price  travelled widely in the 1930's studying the health of isolated people's living on natural diets and observing what happened when they encountered modern foodstuffs such as white flours and sugars.   Weston-Price's classic work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration graphically shows the shocking 'before and after' effect.  When living on traditional foodstuffs the people were healthy, happy and dentally very fit with wide jaws, wide dental arches and little tooth decay; within a generation however, the scene had changed and the people had suffered behaviourally and physically, displaying tooth decay, narrow dental arches and poor skeletal structures in general.

Natural dentists are interested in the many ways that diet, nutrition and life styles effect dental health.  They are also concerned about other substances that the body absorbs, for example fluoride and mercury.  These substances have in the past been widely used by dentists but this is changing.  More people are questioning the wisdom of using these highly toxic substances in the mouth or anywhere else.  I came across the whole fluoride debate by accident in 1986 and was very shocked to discover that fluoride wasn't my friend and that much official information was highly partial.  (Please ask me if you would like more information, or visit or  Also, if you would like to regain a more natural diet, please ask me to e-mail you an information pack with some easy ways to start window-ledge gardening and growing your own raw and living/sprouted food.)

Your mouth is a sensitive area so use gentle ingredients. Some problems like ulcers may be aggravated by using 'strong' mainstream toothpastes. You don't need to worry if you have Neways  products in the bathroom because they are safe when swallowed, which is especially important if you have children in the house, who often swallow when brushing.  Neways dental products are free from sugar, artificial sweeteners, abrasives, foaming agents, alcohol and fluoride and they work.  Even 12 hours after brushing, run your tongue over your teeth and they will still feel smooth and clean!
Product name  Description Code Size RRP
Radiance Toothpaste
  • Uses safe technology to dissolve food film, very mild
  • 5746 175ml £5.41
    Ultrashine Toothpaste
  • Contains chlorophyll and mint
  • Loved by all who want a bit more 'bite' than with Radiance
  • 5700 175ml £6.99
    Eliminator Mouthwash
  • Dissolves food films on teeth and gums, freshens breath
  • Safe as water
  • Pleasant tasting. Many other uses - ask me for information sheet
  • 5716GB 500ml £6.19
  • Helps remove external and ingrained stains
  • 5772 50ml £13.14

    Handy Hints with Eliminator

    More soon...

    See The Natural Dentist, Brian Halvorsen, Century Arrow, 1986

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    Nicola Gilbert
    Grapevine Health
    Member of the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
    Member of the Association of Reflexologists
    Member of the International Council of Holistic Therapists
    Diploma in Nutrition Independent Distributor of Neways Products

    Tel: +44 (0)114 268 3217
    Fax: +44 (0)114 222 3040